Penn State SETI Symposium

August 18 – 21, 2025 | Penn State University Park

Presented by the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center

The third SETI Symposium, presented by the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center, will be hosted at the Penn Stater Hotel and Convention Center on August 18 – 21, 2025.


Breakout session proposals, abstracts, and registration deadlines will be announced in the coming months.


This symposium will be a broad look at SETI, including new technosignature search results and upper limits, new search methodologies and instrumentation, theory, and social aspects of the field including the post-detection protocols, message construction, and the historical roots of the field. Interdisciplinarity will be emphasized. As with previous instances, we encourage the submission of proposals for breakout sessions for workshops, tutorials, or special sessions on narrower topics. The scope of this symposium does not include UAPs.
Early career researchers are especially encouraged to attend.